Spaghetti alla Norma

It’s a classic dish, Spaghetti alla Norma. Yet too often I’ve had versions which are bland, with aubergine undercooked, and rubbery. Vile.  I encountered Italian food as a child. One of Kenya’s hidden secrets is its long-standing Italian population, resident there since the 1920’s – some fleeing Mussolini’s fascism, others a legacy of Italian misadventuresContinue reading “Spaghetti alla Norma”

What’s in a recipe?

Ingredients, perhaps a dash of technique too, possibly even a sprinkle of inspiration or artistry? Yes, it’s all these and more. Each of the constituents tells a story, and it’s all the stories which together ‘make’ the recipe, adding flavour and richness to what you experience when you taste it. I cook when I’m stressedContinue reading “What’s in a recipe?”