Indian Water Pickle and Paratha

I used to love my Mother’s Indian Water Pickle, eaten as a child with freshly made, flaky, buttery Paratha and a daal. It’s a North Indian classic. Like most pickles, it’s a way of preserving  veg into the winter months. But let’s face it, it works any time of year. This particular pickle uses carrotContinue reading “Indian Water Pickle and Paratha”

Aromatic, warming, Lamb Curry

This dish is a favourite, and one I must have at least once or twice in June. It’s never quite the same when you have it in a restaurant. For the best warming and aromatic flavour experience, you really ought to try making this Lamb Curry with whole spices yourself. Sheep farming has long beenContinue reading “Aromatic, warming, Lamb Curry”

Punjabi Kadi and Pakoras

The Punjab is a hugely fertile part of India. Outside the big cities of North West India, Punjabi families are typically engaged in landowning or farming. This connection to the land influences what people eat, when and how. Punjabi food tends to be seasonal. The style of cooking and depth of flavour varying according toContinue reading “Punjabi Kadi and Pakoras”